Leadership is a Science AND an ART – never underestimate the importance of communication skills!
Do you have a "Unique Selling Point"? If not, here is how to find it...
5 mistakes that cause new habits to die
Look stupid? Admitting you don´t know is a Leadership strength
Leadership isn´t easy. Some inspiration from Michael Jordan.
Your parents taught you leadership skills and you didn’t even notice
Being a resilient leader is not enough. There is a much better option…
Want more efficient and energized team meetings? Here´s how...
Enjoy the journey and the destination
How to WIN - How a new leader can recover confidence after falling to defeat
How to Have a Difficult Conversation at Work
5 Reasons why you should get an Executive Coach
A Guide to Building Resilience
The Dangers of Authority. The Frightening Lessons to be Learned from the World´s Worst Air Disaster.
The View from Above - The Stoic technique to get back on track
How to Defeat Procrastination - A Lesson from the Stoics
Why Tim Ferriss is a Fraud
Toxic Leaders (2)
Getting Deep